About SAHF

South Asia Hydro-met Forum (SAHF) is a regional initiative that provides capacity building and training activities to support National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) to generate and transform climate data into reliable information that are critical in saving lives and assets and strengthening the resilience of communities in South Asia.

Our objectives include: Developing a Regional Platform, Learning from each other, Pooling and Coordinating Efforts, Meeting the growing demand and Linking WB Initiatives CARE and SAHF.

SAHF 2024

About SAHF Knowledge Hub

SAHF Knowledge Hub (SKHub) would serve as a one-stop platform for “Products” support such as the real-time observation data sharing, forecast data visualization, ensemble forecast products analysis linked to geospatial data analytics, and “Capacity and Service Delivery” training and orientation support like need-based on-the-job training, online discussion forums to discuss issues and doubts, interactive and live conferencing support. 

The features available in SAHF Knowledge Hub include: Learning Management System (LMS), E-Library, E-Books, Forecaster’s Visualization Platform (DataEx)

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