FARM School is a non-formal education and experiential learning process based on local needs. The process is built on the hypothesis that, use of early warning information for saving lives is well practiced in the country, while use of early warning information for protection of livelihoods, is limited. Agriculture is the main source of livelihood – being highly at-risk to climate variability, there is a need to capacitate farmers to better manage resources and risks through the utilization of climate information of different timescales. FARM School approach empowers farmers to understand and effectively utilize climate information and forecasts in their farming activities. It is a community-based, hands-on, and practical oriented field study program that provides opportunity to farmers to learn together.
FARM School in agriculture process has been introduced by RIMES in various countries. In India FARM School process was implemented in Tamil Nadu state with support from IMD, Department of Agriculture and Centre for Ecology and Research (CER), Thanjavur. The outcomes of the process are highly encouraging, farmers undergone the training reported that they could better plan the available resources and thus generate more income every cropping season
Resource Person🎓: Dr. Satyaban Bishoyi Ratna
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